Bridgend Air Training Cadets 1092 Squadron has been an invaluable partner to Bridgend Lions Club for many years. Their assistance enables us to continue running some of the borough’s successful charity fund raising events such as the club’s Book Fair, Swimmafun and Duck Race.
So it was a pleasure for the President and some members of the Lions to recognise this service on a visit to the ATC’s Bridgend headquarters.
After a tour of the HQ, led by Squadron Leader David Biddles, and including an inspection of their flight simulator, the Phillip Davies, was called to the parade ground where he presented certificates to cadets recognising their voluntary service to the community.
The male and female cadets, typically aged between 13 and 17, go about their duties with discipline and a great deal of enthusiasm. Knowing their commitment to the community and seeing them on parade gives the club cause for much pride in today’s youth.
Pictured below are some of the Cadets helping at our annual Duck Race